


Since CCPF’s first surgical trip to China in 1998, the need to help disabled orphans has evolved, as more and more children are born with complex conditions. Our surgical team, headed by the world’s leading pediatric orthopedic, urological and plastics surgeons, pediatricians and nurses, undertake complex multi-specialty cases with a cross-disciplinary approach.

CCPF surgeons tackle complex and challenging cases.

CCPF surgeons tackle complex and challenging cases.


CCPF volunteer physical and occupational therapists integrate playing as part their approach to therapy.

CCPF volunteer physical and occupational therapists integrate playing as part their approach to therapy.

Dr. Kim works one-one with children and trains many therapists and caregivers at once.

Dr. Kim works one-one with children and trains many therapists and caregivers at once.


Since 2003, CCPF has sponsored a bi-annual fellowship program to provide additional training for Chinese medical professionals who work in the orphanages and hospitals where we are active. The program is designed to provide continuing education for our colleagues while furthering CCPF’s reach and foster greater cultural understanding.

During our medical trips in China, hands-on training and lectures form a cornerstone of CCPF’s mission. Our cross-cultural methodology aims to respond to the needs on the ground and maintain long-term relationships with the people and organizations we work with so the children continue to receive on-going care.

Dr. David Roye, CCPF China Medical Director and leading world specialist in pediatric orthopedic spine surgeon, connects with a patient as he assesses the child’s condition.

Dr. David Roye, CCPF China Medical Director and leading world specialist in pediatric orthopedic spine surgeon, connects with a patient as he assesses the child’s condition.

CCPF volunteer pediatric oncology and general surgeon with his infant patient before/after an emergency surgery. (NEED TO CHECK IF THIS IS PRE OR POST SURGERY)

CCPF volunteer pediatric oncology and general surgeon with his infant patient before/after an emergency surgery. (NEED TO CHECK IF THIS IS PRE OR POST SURGERY)

Many children have chronic disabilities and surgery is not an option. CCPF’s team of physiatrists, physical, occupational, feeding and speech therapists, and orthotists help children with non-operable chronic conditions to learn how to walk, swallow, play and relieve them of extreme pain and discomfort. Following a 4-year training program lead by CCPF Rehabilitation Medicine Director Dr. Kim at the Nanjing orphanage, the first ever national rehabilitation conference for Chinese therapists and caregivers is being planned and will establish our Chinese colleagues as leaders in the field and the orphanage as a center of excellence.

Fellows are mentored by CCPF doctors and their medical teams.

Fellows are mentored by CCPF doctors and their medical teams.

Orphanage therapists and caregivers present CCPF’s rehabilitation team with challenging cases. At least 25 people receive training with each case.

Orphanage therapists and caregivers present CCPF’s rehabilitation team with challenging cases. At least 25 people receive training with each case.